Dr. Patterson now offers telemedicine appointments! Please call us to see if your need for services qualifies for this type of appointment. We may see you for a telemedicine appointment for the following conditions: yeast infections, UTIs, birth control consults, vaginitis (vaginal infections), hormone replacement therapy consults, pre-menopause, menopause, amenorrhea, and abnormal periods. If your need for services qualifies, we will send you information to download a free Telehealth app to conduct your appointment. Your appointment will be billed to your insurance.
If you have a scheduled appointment but you are experiencing flu-like symptoms or respiratory symptoms, please call us to reschedule your appointment and call your healthcare provider immediately. You may click here for more information from the CDC regarding what to do if you think you've been exposed to the virus.
Here's what we're doing to ensure the safety of our patients:
- We are ensuring that patients are not experiencing respiratory issues when they visit our office.
- We are sanitizing all surfaces on a regular basis.
- We are wearing masks and gloves to reduce the probability of virus transmission.
- We are washing our hands for 20 seconds after every interaction we have, inside and outside of the office.
Please call us with any questions. Stay well and stay safe!