Pregnancy & Birth: Patients From Abroad Specialist

Alan B. Patterson, M.D.
OB-GYN located in Coral Springs, FL
Pregnancy & Birth: Patients from Abroad Q & A
My practice welcomes and has taken tremendous care of patients from other countries who want to come to the United States to deliver their children. Once I confirm that I can take care of all aspects of your pregnancy and delivery, I will accept you as a patient after speaking with you either by phone or email. I accept pregnant patients who want to deliver in USA all the way up to 36 weeks gestation, which would be 4 weeks before your due date. Depending on what your situation is and how far you are along, we will decide on a fair price for your care which includes any routine labs and cultures, your prenatal care, delivery, rounds in the hospital after you deliver and post partum care until 6 weeks post delivery.
I deliver at 2 fine hospitals in Boca Raton, and you have your choice of either one. I've delivered over 5,900 babies and I have many nice patients from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, France, India, China, Austria and many other countries. All of my patients that have come from abroad to deliver are extremely happy with the care they receive from me and from my great staff! Please call me today to learn more about your options for care.
Telemedicinemore info
Mammogrammore info
Delivery and Pregnancymore info
Fertility Treatmentmore info
Pre-Menopause & Menopausemore info
Pregnancy & Birth: Patients from Abroadmore info
Birth Controlmore info
Ultrasoundsmore info
Pap Smearmore info
Osteoporosismore info
HPVmore info
Incontinencemore info
Fibroidsmore info
STD Testingmore info