Why Do Patients Choose an Experienced OB in Solo Practice

When you are pregnant, you have to decide if you want to go to a large group with many different doctors and possibly lower-level providers who cannot do everything that the doctor can do, or one very experienced doctor who will see you every visit and who will be there to do your delivery like Dr. Alan Patterson does.
With the large group option, you may or may not see the same provider for all of your OB visits, and you could have a provider who is on call the day or night you go into labor who will be responsible for doing your delivery that you have not even met before. Or the provider on call at the hospital you are going to deliver at, has people in labor at 2 different hospitals, so that doctor or lower level provider may have to call someone in from one of their offices who you may not have met or who you do not like to deliver you, if that provider is doing another delivery at a totally different hospital! That frequently happens with large groups. And after you deliver, you may see an entirely different provider, who did not do your delivery while you were in the hospital, and another different provider when you come back for your postpartum visits after going home from the hospital! So if you do not care about seeing the same provider all of the time, then a group option may be best for you.
Dr Alan Patterson's patients choose him, because he has the experience, now in his 41st year of full-time practice, and the expertise to do whatever needs to be done to safely accomplish your delivery! His great wonderful patients see him for all of their visits, and he is the one do take care of them in labor, do their delivery, whether it is a vaginal delivery, or on rare occasion, a vacuum vaginal delivery, or a C-Section, because Dr Patterson is trained and certified to do all 3 types of delivery if necessary, unlike a lower level provider, who is not certified to do a safe vaginal vacuum delivery or a C-Section. Dr. Patterson knows how to manage his patients and his practice, since HE is the boss and he rarely misses one of his patient's deliveries, he has only missed one patient delivery in the past 5 years which is unheard of!
After delivery, Dr. Patterson sees his patients in the hospital before they go home and he sees all of his patients himself back in his office for their postpartum visits, so there is total continuity of care!
So if you want the experienced solo OB MD, Dr Patterson option, please call his office or schedule an appointment online today.
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